Places to stop along the Great Lakes in Ontario
Sleeping Under the Stars Web Page is for an unusual kind of traveller. There is nothing wrong with a campground. But putting up your tent or camper on a small piece of backcountry, or crown land and camping for free just seems better. Dry camping without the amenities of a campground, or boondocking is more primitive and places you right into nature. In Ontario's wilderness, whether RV or Tenting, packing the right gear can mean gathering around your campfire with friends or struggling to enjoy your camping. What’s the point of free camping sites, or anything else, if you don’t enjoy it? More than just about free camping, I hope to inspire, encourage AND enable a new enjoyment and way of travelling for some of you. Why squander your money in another province or country when everything is right here in Ontario? The Great Lakes, Huron and Superior are adjacent the Trans-Canada Highway for miles and are littered with beautiful places. Many of the free camping grounds wind up being closed by the Ministry of Natural Resources, so please take out your trash and leave no trace.
La page web "Dormir à la belle étoile" s'adresse à un type de voyageur inhabituel. Il n'y a rien de mal à utiliser un terrain de camping. Mais planter sa tente ou son camping-car sur un petit terrain de l'arrière-pays ou de la Couronne et camper gratuitement, c'est encore mieux. Le camping à la sauvette, sans les commodités d'un terrain de camping, ou boondocking, est plus primitif et vous place en plein dans la nature. Dans les régions sauvages de l'Ontario, que ce soit en VR ou en tente, le fait de préparer le bon équipement peut vous permettre de vous réunir autour d'un feu de camp avec des amis ou de vous battre pour profiter de votre camping. À quoi servent les emplacements de camping gratuits, ou quoi que ce soit d'autre, si vous n'en profitez pas ? Plus qu'un simple camping, j'espère inspirer, encourager ET permettre à certains d'entre vous de découvrir un nouveau plaisir et une nouvelle façon de voyager. Pourquoi gaspiller votre argent dans une autre province ou un autre pays quand tout est possible ici, en Ontario ? Les Grands Lacs, Huron et Supérieur, sont adjacents à la Trans-Canadienne sur des kilomètres et sont parsemés d'endroits magnifiques. De nombreux terrains de camping finissent par être fermés par le Ministry of Natural Resources, alors n'oubliez pas d'enlever vos déchets et de ne pas laisser de traces.
Another Web Page by Kaotic Kreations Art. A Canadian Business
Ryan Clark is unschooled in the use of paints and, without the use of models, creates vivid images ranging from the serene to the lascivious. He has been drawing and creating vivid images as long as he could hold a pencil. His Tattoos adorn the epidermis’ of hundreds of people, though in the past few years he has focused on custom pieces. For years his art has been peddled amongst his circle and decorates more than a few private collections. He has done sculpture and wood carving as well. In his work Ryan practices raw creativity, often changing mediums and concepts all through out the artistic process. The art is a therapeutic form of self expression and the time to practice…During a still occurring spiritual growth he is compelled to expand his life, and present himself to the world. I am a self taught artist who has dabbled in design, animation and tattooing. I have developed my work through application and as a result was admitted to OCAD and Seneca on the merits of my art. 'I am an artist because I am.' All my life I have associated a huge part of my personal identity with being an artist, and that is what the statement preceding this means. It is inherent to who I am… I don’t specialize in any one medium and throw them together as I see fit as the piece grows and develops. The work flows from a raw and physical studio practice, and I am just as surprised as anyone at the result. I get up the next morning looking at them with fresh eyes and amaze myself often. My creativity is also raw.....flowing and the meaning often (though not always) reveals itself at a later time, or in relation to the production of a series of works.” -Ryan Clark