Places to stop along the Great Lakes in Ontario
Places to Camp for Free and Visit
I thought long and hard about sharing these locations and free camping sites, but I will give the benefit of the doubt here and believe you'll treat them with the utmost respect. Like I do. I hope this page pulls in like minded people with good intentions, but I also realize no one is perfect.
Click on the name of the location and the associated page will open with a link for google maps. You can also visit the Map page and by clicking on the marker you can open the link back to the same associated page. Each Page contains Photos and/or videos and a brief description of how the place seemed to me.
Use at your own risk.
Sleeping Under the Stars FREE CAMPING GREAT LAKES Campsites
In reading the page description you might find I used some of the places to visit as overnight campsites anyway so delve a little deeper. Guerrilla camping can be both exciting and utile. I also used to include random spots I just pulled over and called it a night but I deleted those...You really don’t have to follow on my path. Be bold and break your own trails. There is just so much room with so few people you can’t really go wrong no matter where you are up here.
© sleeping under the stars 2021